Looking for a home (not only purchasing it) with a solicitor

Indice dei Contenuti

Should you already be involved in the process of buying a habitable building and you are only surfing the web to find the lowest solicitor fees, you are on the wrong page.
The proposal outlined below is aimed at those who intend to search for their house with the support of a qualified expert, a specialist will avoid the risks and will direct you towards a careful choice.

Two things to know

The two fundamental facts you must know are:

  • When the purchasing proposals are accepted, the purchaser is obliged to buy, subsequently he/she is not allowed to withdraw from the draft, even if you renounce your down payment
  • The preliminary contracts are much more than some modules to fill in and are also more legally sensitive document than the definitive contract. There is no indication about the permission “to build”, this causes the impossibility of the judge to transfer the house to the purchaser should the seller no longer wish to sell, or no longer be in the condition to do so.

Searching for a house with the solicitor

With the formula “Searching for a house with the solicitor” my objective is to bring the solicitor back to the core of real estate bargaining. If you are searching for this type of performance, my office:

  • knowing the buyer proposals is crucial and obliges the parties to conclude the deal, helping you to formulate it according to your situation;
  • conducts a preliminary investigation into the real estate when the proposal is stipulated;
  • drafting negotiation proposals that are mutually conditioned and compared each other’s if the buyer is interested in more real estate.This condition also motivates competition between sellers and allows the buyer to consolidate their contractual power;
  • ensures the regularity of the possibility to build, although this is not the competence of the solicitor;
  • relates with the seller and/or the agency to obtain the documentation;
  • verifies the situation of the condominium fees and also of the certifications of the facilities
  • draws up a report underlining the possible critical points of the purchase for the buyer;
  • as an expert in international successions, the purchase is examined in order to incorporate the buyer’s situation that involves tax saving requirements, family relationships, inheritance assessments and patrimonial protection
  • examines the house regulation reporting the most interesting clauses for the buyer
  • creates, if necessary, a report of the findings in order to collect elements that can prevent future contestation between the parties;
  • will help the buyer to evaluate the conditions and the contract proposed by the bank should the buyer wish to apply for a mortgage;
  • guarantees that the transcript will be carried out in one day. Only a prompt transcript makes a purchase certain, although some solicitors take 30 days to complete it.

If you want more details, contact me

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